You may access the full preview gallery by using the link below. As a reminder, please do not alter images with editing or filters. Whenever possible, please tag @missruthanne on Instagram or on other platforms. And of course, please refrain from tagging exact locations when possible. “Keep Tahoe Wild — Tag Responsibly” or “Tahoe National Forest” are great options and encourage digital Leave No Trace. The full gallery will be available within 8 weeks, in the same location as the link below. You may order high quality prints from the store within the gallery; and I recommend doing so for any images that will be placed on walls or in heirloom pieces, to ensure lasting quality for years to come. It was such a joy to be part of this day!
Gorgeous couple, so happy for you both! Even had to use some of that EM stuff, dressing tourniquet usage, wilderness medicine! Wishing you both all the happiness and success in your futures! -Steve & Judi